Every day we seek new information on how to live healthy, well-balanced lives! It is important for women to empower each other, so we have created a list of health & wellness podcasts that are perfect for a walk or even your daily commute. Each of these podcasts is unique. The hosts share their own stories with an emphasis on mental health, mindfulness, and women’s “issues” (in quotations because I absolutely hate that term, we’ve all got stuff!). This list is for anyone wanting a podcast to learn from, or even just to get a good laugh (or cry) in.
1. Hear. Say. Diane Neal.
Average Episode Length | 80 minutes
Where to Tune in | iTunes, Spotify, Pockcasts, & more
Where to Start | Lend Me Your Ear, And I’ll Give You a Hand: Talking Friendship & Amputation with Chloe Toscano
About the Show
Actress/Comedian Diane Neal is best known for her prime-time television roles in Law & Order SVU and NCIS, but her entrance into podcasting shows the vibrance of her personality and humor.
Why We LOVE This Podcast
While the show is light-hearted, positive, and comedic to its core, Diane is unafraid of touching on more personal and heartfelt topics, especially on her ending segment of each episode, dubbed “The Gravy”. It’s a great show
A breath of fresh air!
Sunshyne2014 – Apple Podcasts Review
I feel like this is just the podcast I need to save me from the true crime rut I’ve been in during the pandemic. Bring on the positive vibes!
2. Bright Side of Life
Average Episode Length | 60 minutes
Where to Tune in | iTunes, Spotify, Pocketcasts,and anywhere else podcasts are available.
Our Favorite Episode | Surviving Trauma. Meghan Judge’s story on surviving and thriving.
About the Show
Melissa Bright, the host, interviews a new guest each episode, sharing their story and bringing light to it. The Bright Side of Life covers all sorts of topics regarding mental health: depression, anxiety, loneliness, stress – all things you can overcome. Melissa discovers people’s successful journeys to happiness.
Why We LOVE This Podcast
Melissa and her guests make me feel like I’m not alone with my mental health. She takes every discussion and turns it into a bright, compelling one. Each episode is different, you never know if you are going to cry, laugh, or sometimes both.
This is one of the most practical and useful podcasts I have ever listened to! This podcast asks people to share what they’re honestly going through, without the effort of trying to make it all seem fine to others. Mel doesn’t hold back on sharing her own experiences either. It is sometimes funny, sometimes sad, sometimes both, this podcast lets you know you’re not alone and there is still happiness, peace, and joy in life. It’s a journey, there’s healing, there is a bright side to life.
iTunes Review
A great place to start on this podcast is Melissa’s interview of Boo Baker.
3. Thrive After Post Partum Podcast
Average Episode Length | 10 minutes
Where to Tune in | iTunes, Spotify, iHeart
Our Favorite Episode | A Quick Process to Reclaim Your Energy In Postpartum
About the Show
Thrive After Postpartum with Dani Jernigan is a great podcast for women that are new to motherhood. Dani also emphasizes “If you are black, these challenges can be magnified by certain societal factors, culture norms and unprocessed trauma — all factors that contribute to the higher rates of postpartum depression and mood disorders in black women”. Dani is a certified postpartum empowerment coach, exploring the “black side of postpartum” and helps women in postpartum take back their bodies, minds, and creativity to ultimately thrive. Each episode discusses how to raise your confidence and energy through postpartum and “find your unique mom style”, while making time for yourself. Dani also discusses cultural factors and stereotypes that contribute to higher rates of postpartum mood disorders with black women.
Why We LOVE This Podcast
Dani is an EMPOWERING woman. She speaks for all women, especially those that are going through postpartum or pregnancy. This show is so inspiring; Dani brings happiness and power to the women listening every. single. episode.
4. AngusEyeTea
Average Episode Length | 30 minutes
Where to Tune in | iTunes, iHeart, Audible
Our Favorite Episode | Depression Loopholes: Life Hacks for Depressive Episodes
About the Show
Angus Eye Tea with Elaine Best is a podcast “all about anxiety, depression, and other cheerful topics”. Elaine makes it a fun blend of cathartic and comedic. Elaine shares her experiences with mental health and her day-to-day life, taking on her troubles with mental illness. Elaine’s mission is to break the stigmas associated with mental health, and normalize talking about it.
Why We LOVE This Podcast
Elaine is so much fun to listen to; this show is extremely relatable and super helpful for those going through mental health struggles. Angus Eye Tea is a podcast that will make you feel like you aren’t alone with your health, while making you laugh a bit too.
This show is fun, relatable, and HELPFUL. Laughing about my mental health is one of my favorite forms of self care this podcast makes me laugh AND feel like the anxiety/depression bus is full of good company and good humans.
iTunes Review
5. Sober Powered
Average Episode Length | 15 minutes
Where to Tune in | iTunes, Spotify, Google, Stitcher, & more
Our Favorite Episode | Advice from 7 of My Sober Friends
About the Show
Sober Powered with Gill is amazing!! Gill discusses her path to sobriety and the toll it took on her mental health. Her mission is to teach others about what she has learned through her experiences with alcohol, and how to embrace sobriety. “When I got sober, I was the only sober person I knew. Each time I got through something sober, I felt stronger, and I called that strength Sober Power“.
Why We LOVE This Podcast
Gill’s podcast is so informational and empowering, especially those who have become sober or are taking the steps to becoming sober. Sober Power is one of those podcasts that you can easily understand and listen to on the train, on a walk, or just chillin on your couch. Gill is inspiring; making sobriety and all of its struggles less stigmatized and more talked about – as it should be.
Gill’s Sober Powered podcasts, videos, reels, IG live, everything she does is the best ever! She provides crucially important scientific information in an extremely user-friendly, easy-to-understand format. It is abundantly clear how much time and dedication she pours in her work. She engages with all the compassion and understanding that makes you feel heard, seen. Wanting to come back for me. Sober Powered is the best. Gill best ever!
iTunes Review
Where to Start
Sober Powered’s most popular episode is Episode 76: Learning the Truth About Your Drinking With Dr. Anna Lembke, Author of Dopamine Nation and it’s easy to see why. Dr Lemke is a professor of psychiatry at Stanford School of Medicine and the Chief of the Stanford Addiction Medicine Dual Diagnosis Clinic. She’s also a New York Times Bestseller. Dr. Lembke’s insights in this episode are remarkable and highly intriguing for anyone that is dealing with addiction issues.
6. Finding God Podcast
Average Episode Length | 30 minutes
Where to Tune in | iTunes, Spotify, Audible
Our Favorite Episode | Finding God through Friendship/Interview with Shekina N Glory
About the Show
Keana Mitchell, the host of Finding God Podcast, is a singer, songwriter, and relationship coach that focuses on her journey with finding God after losing her religion and spirituality. This podcast is amazing and inspirational for anyone finding their path with the help of religion.
Why We LOVE This Podcast
Keana has accomplished so much in this life and shares her experiences with finding God again. Each episode she interviews someone new that has a different journey, bringing light to the topics less talked about.
7. The Hilarious World of Depression
Average Episode Length | 45 minutes
Where to Tune in | Spotify, iTunes, Radio Public, Stitcher
Our Favorite Episode | Depression’s Eleven Big Lies EXPOSED!
About the Show
The Hilarious World of Depression with John Moe is a series of inspirational, fun, and moving conversations with comedians from all over that have dealt with depression and struggles with mental health in general. John is hoping to fight the stigma against mental health issues that affects so many. Each episode is different, some make you laugh until you cry, others bringing tears of sadness – no in between. The Hilarious World of Depression is a podcast that helps people realize that depression doesn’t have to be lonely, and together we can all feel all the feels.
Why We LOVE This Podcast
John Moe is hilarious! each episode I laugh AT LEAST once or twice, even when I’m in full hermit mode. I listen to this podcast when I’m feeling especially down because it makes me feel like I’m not alone with this disease; it is inspiring to hear others stories and experiences with depression.
Thank you for helping me laugh and cry through some of the hardest years of my life. These stories and perspective stick with you in the best of ways. Thank you for being so vulnerable and dedicated to other people’s well-being.
iTunes Review
8. Balanced Black Girl
Average Episode Length | 60 minutes
Where to Tune in | iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Google
Our Favorite Episode | Being Multi-Passionate + Betting on Yourself is Self-Love with Asha Bromfield
About the Show
Balanced Black Girl is one of those podcasts that make you want to get moving. Les Alfred, the host, has a mission to create a safe space for black women to have honest conversations about self-care, self-love, and their overall wellbeing. Les is a personal trainer and nutritionist as well, offering some of her tips and tricks along the way, as she has learned through her experiences.
Why We LOVE This Podcast
Les makes each episode unique, raw, and so helpful. Every week she explores a new topic, whether it be on self-love or discussing the truths behind the scenes.
The content of this podcast is real, raw and unapologetic. Les and her guests bring truth to the forefront, as they take on topics within the wellness community, that some people may not even be aware of! As a balanced black girl myself, I find this podcast to be not only a breath of fresh air, but also totally relatable!
iTunes Review
9. UnF*ck Your Brain
Average Episode Length | 30-60 minutes
Where to Tune in | iTunes, Spotify, Google
Our Favorite Episode | When You Don’t Know What the F*ck is Going on with Your Brain
About the Show
UnF*ck Your Brain hosted by Kara Loewentheil is for all women who struggle with anxiety, self-doubt, and imposter syndrome. Kara, a master certified confidence coach, explores so many different topics in her podcast. “If you know you’ve accomplished a lot professionally, but still secretly feel like you’re unqualified….if you want to feel confident but you worry about what everyone else thinks about you…if you want to succeed but fear failure…this podcast is for you” – and that’s the damn truth.
Why We LOVE This Podcast
Okay, first of all, I just really, really love the name of this podcast. Kara is so funny and her episodes are RAW and a breath of fresh air. It is amazing to hear that I’m not alone with self-doubt, anxiety, and just feeling unqualified overall in life. She teaches you how to overcome social conditioning and how to dispose of your own self-critical thoughts to become a confident, know-your-worth kind of woman. yes. yes. yes.
This filled in the missing piece of the puzzle for me. I go to therapy, support groups, and attend numerous 12 step programs. None have broken through to me in the way this podcast has when it comes to dealing with negative thoughts, feelings, and the self harm and negative coping I have used to numb myself from feeling them. Thank you a million times.
iTunes Review
10. Don’t Be a Dick w/ Gretchen Clark
Average Episode Length | 45 minutes
Where to Tune in | iTunes, Stitcher
Our Favorite Episode | Respectfully, lick my balls
About the Show
Living by the motto “Don’t Be A Dick”, Gretchen Clark is a host that WILL get real with you. Gretchen shares her experiences with all “the weird shit in her life”, and the art of not giving a f*ck. She covers pretty much everything: mental health, how to build a successful brand, how to love yourself the most in your life. Every episode is different, including Gretchen giving advice on some of the questions she receives each week from her listeners.
From the website: Living by the motto “Don’t Be A Dick”, Gretchen Clark is here to get real with you. From a ski mountain in Vermont to the big city of Atlanta, Gretchen has been through some weird shit in her life. After years of grinding it out in corporate America, she quit her cushy sales job 6 months after starting her career as an Instagram iNflUenCeR. What she once thought was a fake job, turned into a (very public) outlet for her to show the world that being honest and real is actually … cool and “in”. On this podcast, Gretchen will discuss topics from the freedom of not giving a fuck, how to build a successful brand online, to how to love yourself the most in your life. Each episode will also include Gretchen giving advice on some of the hundreds of questions submitted each week from her incredibly loyal followers … most likely after a few tequila sodas. Unbutton your pants and get ready to get weird.
Why We LOVE This Podcast
Gretchen is hilarious and inspiring. The art of not giving a f*ck is hard to grasp, but she definitely knocked that one out of the park and shares her story to help others accomplish the same thing. Love this show!!
My sister and I were searching for an entertaining podcast and after listening to 3 others for a few minutes each and being bored out of our minds, we stumbled across this one. Jackpot! Gretchen is honest and hilarious. Love it!
iTunes Review
Of course these aren’t the only podcasts we love, as we could go on and on and on. Our mission is to be as helpful as we can, and share all the good info we come across to each one of you. Each show being informational and inspiring in their own way, hopefully one of these podcasts will be your go-to for the new year. BTW, Happy New Year!!! 2021 was a kick in the butt for a lot of people, so we hope 2022 will be a breath of fresh air for all of you. As we discover more podcasts, we will continue to share them! Stay tuned 🙂